What We Are?

Hello-hello! Welcome, I’m glad you’re here because it means you’re looking for a safe place and I hope you find it here, this is a safe space to talk about feelings and all those things that you normally wouldn’t talk about but here you will be sure that no one is going to judge you, We know how difficult the world can be and that is why I created this small safe space, like a refuge, to finish here we have a small phrase that I hope you respect, «do not harm and do not harm yourself» without further ado I hope you have a nice day and thanks for reading!


This is a safe space in which you can ask things that you normally would not ask for fear of what people think, such as sexual things, gender identity, topics about diseases of all kinds, here you can learn the point of view of the other people and even find a person who was in a situation related to your question and know the point of view of someone related, you can ask without fear that they may judge you, here we will try to answer the best we can your questions, if not from an administrator, could be from someone of the members, just remember to ask your question in a respectful and always well-intentioned way, without further ado, remember our motto «do not harm and do not harm yourself»


Here is a safe space where you can send your art and observe that of others, you can ask for constructive criticism if you think it is necessary, I know that sometimes people do not usually value what you do with respect to art and that is why this is a space in which It will recognize you and you will also be able to help others with your knowledge, but just remember you can give them only if the person asks for it, without further ado, remember «do not harm yourself and do not harm yourself»!


Losing a pet is usually a difficult process and it takes time. Here you can share your feelings about your process and help others with it. We will also share things about how to help homeless animals and some dynamics for it, without further ado to say that have a great day and remember «do no harm and do no harm»


Have you ever had that feeling when you tell someone about your sexuality/gender identity and they start acting differently? Or when you have personal or community-related questions but you don’t have anyone to ask? Well, here you can ask without a problem and people will speak from their own experience, it will be a safe space where you can share and hear about experiences and learn about it, just remember, do not harm and do not harm yourself!


Join our community of eco-warriors! In this group, we share ideas and actions to protect our planet. From reducing, reusing, and recycling to community actions and policies to combat climate change. Share your knowledge and experiences to inspire others and together save the planet!

Let Off Steam

A safe space to vent! In this group, you can share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences without judgment. Talk about your stress, anxieties, sadness, or just about your day. We’re here to listen and offer support. Vent and find peace!